Assessment Page

UAS Data Pix4D
1.       Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this

2- very little knowledge

2.       Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

4- I could teach someone else

3.       Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

5 - strongly agree

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

Topographic Survey


If there was one thing I would recommend for this was to have more than one group take GPS points at a time, although there wasn't enough equipment for this, I think that would help.



I would recommend having a little more structure to it otherwise, it was a great project.

Microclimate Part 1
1. 1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

2 -I have never even heard of ArcCollector before this lab.

2. 2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

4- I could teach someone else how to do this entire lab.

3. 3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

5- as always the hands on approach this class takes is the best part about this class.

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?
I would recommend possibly having routes set up before everyone heads outside to get a better distribution of data collecting points.  I would also suggest maybe making an online interactive map of this information since we have not gone over that at all.

Navigation Map and Navigating the Priory

1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

3 - I knew about taking azimuths and creating the maps, but not all of the exact details

2. 2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

4- I could teach someone this exact same thing and get them through the woods.

3. 3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

5- The hands on approach is my favorite way to learn.

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

I would recommend teaching how to use the compass before going out into the field.

Distance Azimuth Survey

1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

4- In my geology field classes I've taken, I have had taking azimuth readings all the time during the field work portions.

2. 2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

4- I could teach this lab and have them understand it, and confidently answer questions.

3. 3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

5- The hands on approach is my favorite way to learn.

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

I would suggest possibly having part of the class do one lab while another part does another therefore there would be enough equipment for everyone to be doing something, but I really don't know how feasible that would actually be.  

Sand Box

1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at all, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

2- I did not actually have any idea on how to make a continuous surface map from data points collected.

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

4-  I could teach someone else to do this entire lab, and be able to explain to them what exactly is going on.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

5-  hand on is the best way to teach in this class because it holds each student accountable to get the lab done and actually learn the material.

4. What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

I actually thought this lab had all the learning strategies needed.  I don't see anyway this could have been set up any better than how it was.  It was a great lab and I learned a lot from it.

Hadleyville Cemetery Part 2: The Conclusion

1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

4 - Good amount of knowledge, having gone over how to create a GIS I found that I was actually able to create a Geodatabase and remembered most of the steps.

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2- I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

4- I know enough to teach someone else.  I feel I could definitely teach someone all the steps into create a geodatabase that is this simple at least.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

5- Strongly Agree.  I feel that this was a very important hands on activity.  I feel it had a lot of real world value by working with a group to normalize data and to create a real life feel of what a consultant might do one day.

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

I would have liked a small amount more structure, not too much to take over the project, but more of assigned roles.

Hadleyville Cemetery Part 1

1. Prior to this activity, how would you rank yourself in knowledge about the topic. (1-No Knowledge at atll, 2-Very Little Knowledge, 3-Some knowledge, 4-A good amount of knowledge, 5-I knew all about this)

I would rate myself at a 2.  I have not really ever done my own survey before to create a GIS.

2. Following this activity, how would you rate the amount of knowledge you have on the topic (1- I don’t really know enough to talk about the topic, 2-
I know enough to explain what I did, 3-I know enough to repeat what I did, 4-I know enough to teach someone else, 5- I am an expert)

I would rate myself at a 4. I definitly can explain all of the tools, processes, and work that went into creating this.

3. Did the hands-on approach to this activity add to how much you were able to learn (1-Strongly Disagree, 2-Disagree, 3-No real opinion, 4-Agree, 5-Strongly Agree)

I would say that I agree (4) to this because I got to see a UAV used, learned how to use the survey grade GPS in the field which would have been skipped if this was in the lab room.

What types of learning strategies would you recommend to make the activity even better?

I would suggest a pdf on how to use all of the tools before hand. I would also try to assign groups to do certain jobs before heading out to the field site because that was a huge waste of time trying to figure out what to do.

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